Welcome to the finale of “The Fate We Make.” Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog” Dykes, Joel DeWitte, and Ryan Lootens wrap up this series with a look at the Terminator franchise overall and how it has remained ambitious throughout, even if the execution wasn’t up to snuff. A dense episode with a lot to unpack so stop reading these shownotes and hit that play button.
Tag Archives: sci fi
The Fate We Make Ep. 6: Terminator: Dark Fate
This week on another exciting chapter of “The Fate We Make” Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Roomba” Dykes, Joel “DJ Roomba” DeWitte, and Ryan “Rosie” Lootens come together once again to discuss ‘Terminator: Dark Fate,’ the worst sequel with perhaps the best ideas. There’s also a prolonged introduction where the Binge Buddies attempt to figure out Aziz Ansari’s name, and all the Americans in the cast learn about the verb hoovering.
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The Fate We Make Ep. 5: Terminator Genisys
Howdy and welcome to another exciting edition of “The Fate We Make,” the Terminator retrospective. The Binge Buddies, featuring Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Helper” Dykes, Joel “Clank” DeWitte, and Ryan “Daft Punk” Lootens join forces to take on ‘Terminator Genisys,’ which is some really dumb fun packed alongside some interesting ideas.
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The Fate We Make Ep. 4: Terminator Salvation (2009)
This week on The Fate We Make the Binge Buddies, composed of Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Johnny 5” Dykes, Joel “Marvin the Paranoid Android” DeWitte, and Ryan “R2-D2” Lootens “excitedly” sit down to discuss ‘Terminator Salvation.’ It’s got Christian Bale in it, and it’s got up-and-coming names that are going to be big, and McG directed the thing so it can’t be bad, right? RIGHT? It’s the best one ever, RIGHT?!?!?! Should probably listen to the episode and find out just how great this film is.
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The Fate We Make Ep. 3: T3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
This week on another exciting episode of The Fate We Make, Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Robbie the Robot” Dykes, Joel “Optimus Prime” DeWitte, and Ryan “HAL” Lootens adjust their expectations to talk about the third Terminator film, ‘Rise of the Machines.’ It actually isn’t that bad of a film and as the Binge Buddies mention up top, it’s better than what’s to come.
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Oscars? Mario Boots? Cocaine Shark?
I, Jon from ATH Network, completely missed that the Oscars happened this past weekend. Like, I was surprised while compiling the stories for today’s post. Anyway, it sounds like the best film dominated and that’s a-okay with me. Of course, other stuff happened over the weekend and I GUESS we’ll share those with you below.
(Oh yeah, that thumbnail of King Shark from the hilarious James Gunn romp Suicide Squad? Seemed fitting for a news story about a cocaine shark.)
Continue reading Oscars? Mario Boots? Cocaine Shark?The Fate We Make Ep. 2: Terminator 2 Judgement Day (1991)
The future is here and it’s time for another episode of The Fate We Make. This week the binge buddies – Bryan Dressel, Matt “Doraemon Zombie Dog” Dykes, Joel “Gerty” DeWitte, Ryan “Toyota Violin Playing Robot” Lootens – gather round their mics to talk about the greatest movie of all time: Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Do the kids still say “that’s it, that’s the tweet?” Because that’s it. That’s the tweet. Seriously, absolute perfection from front to back.
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The Fate We Make Ep. 1: The Terminator (1984)
Hi! Welcome to the exciting new season of Binge Buddies – “The Fate We Make.” Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Awesome-O” Dykes, Joel “HK47” DeWitte, and Ryan “Rock’em Sock’em Robots” Lootens team up to talk about the Terminator film franchise, and they’re starting at the beginning (obviousy) with the 1984 classic. How does this film stand up to the absolute best film of all time (Terminator 2)? Click that beautiful play button and find out.
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Stepping Through the Wormhole: 25 Years of Stargate: The Complete Franchise
Because it became clear very early on into this project that an article covering the entire Stargate Franchise would be far too long I broke it down into four parts. But I also wanted to present the full article in all it’s glory as well so here it is. What you might consider the Deluxe Edition. I hope you all enjoy it.
In October of 1994, Stargate hit the cinema screens and became a surprise hit. Critics were not kind to the Roland Emmerich-directed epic adventure, but it struck a chord with audiences with it’s stunning photography and intriguing story. It launched a franchise that has become one of the most popular Science Fiction franchises of all time. A franchise that consists of: 3 films, 3 live action series, 1 animated series and, most recently, a 10 part mini-sode series. Not to mention the various games and books that were released. But we will get to all that in time; first we need to go back to the beginning, to where it all started….The 1994 feature film.
I should probably preface this part of the article with a small statement; it may seem like I am being harsh against the feature film but that is only because of everything that came after. The film started it all and without it we wouldn’t have got SG1 or anything else, however, for me the film just doesn’t hold up in comparison to the series.
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Matt is a huge film and TV buff who studied film and moving image production at university. In his spare time he enjoys reading comics and books, the occasional gaming session and writing novels.
Pandemic Picks: The Expanse
I’ll be honest, I was of two minds on whether I would do a Pandemic Pick on The Expanse or not because I know at some point it’s going to be the subject of one of my deep dives. Probably when it’s all over and I can do a proper retrospective on the series. However, this is what I am currently watching at the moment and I’m absolutely loving it, more so on the second viewing as well.
Whenever I recommend this show to anyone the first thing they ask me is, “What’s it about?” Well, that’s difficult to explain without spoiling it because the way the story unfolds is you are thrown into this world and are basically left to catch up with what is happening. I love that about a series though, it treats us like an adult, it says here is the world that you’re going to be in for this series but don’t worry you’ll catch up. The way the story unfolds sets up more and more of the events and situations that govern the world this story takes place in. It feels weird referring to it as a world when the series setting is the Solar System, not one specific world.
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Matt is a huge film and TV buff who studied film and moving image production at university. In his spare time he enjoys reading comics and books, the occasional gaming session and writing novels.