Nine Nights with Freddy: Freddy vs Jason (2003)

Bryan, Matt, and Joel chat this week about one of the most covered film in the ATH history.  We have recorded episodes on this thing so many times and I can’t really say why!  But this is the first time we have approached it as a Freddy movie instead of a Jason and that might have made the film better?


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After the Hype 310: Unconventional Holiday Films

This week on the podcast we’re discussing films that we go to during the holiday season that might not be your typical holiday fare. We’ve got stuff ranging from Lord of the Rings to Grumpy Cat.



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Nine Nights with Freddy: Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (1994)

Things get wild and weird this week at Binge Buddies.  A great movie let down by a less than exciting kill count and an aggressive run time.  The Binge Buddies mostly enjoyed this one, but its not free of its bruises.  Like always though the Binge Buddies have a blast talking about it!


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After the Hype 309: Playing Catch Up

Throughout the year there are films that just get away from us, so we decided to make an entire episode about the films we missed. We talk films like Oddity, Iron Giant, Bottoms, Barbarian, and more.



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Nine Nights with Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 (1991)

This week on the latest Nine Nights with Freddy Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Electric Hedge Trimmers” Dykes,  Joel “Sheers” DeWitte,  Ryan “Garden Canes and Sticks” Lootens talk about the dreadful Freddy’s Dead: The New Nightmare. The worst? Maybe not. Certainly not great.


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After the Hype 308: Escapism

In our latest, we discuss the various ways in which we’ve engaged with media to escape the current political landscape. Some of us took to tabletop as our escape, while others found solace in the warm embrace of the Mighty Boosh. Satisfactory gets a mention, as does Doc Martin. Some good recommendations and discussions here you won’t want to miss.


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Nine Nights with Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 (1989)

Bryan, Matt, Joel and Ryan have their work cut out for them this week.  The knowledge that this isn’t even the worst of the franchise is more horrifying than any of the films so far!  But when Nightmare gets bad it also gets super fun!  The gang has a blast digging into the total nonsense that is this movie!


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Nine Nights with Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (1988)

Bryan, Zombie-Dog, Joel and Ryan have their work cut out for them this week as Nightmare 4 becomes a challenge to defend.   There might be glimmers of a good time, but the Binge Buddies have a rough time waking from this Nightmare.


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Nine Nights with Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (1987)

Nightmare on Elm Street 3 is fantastic and the Binge Buddies have a blast discussing it! This crazy movie knew that people wanted to see some real nightmares, and it delivers!


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Nine Nights with Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 (1985)

Bryan, Matt, Joel and Ryan dive into the infamous sequel to the original classic.  Too many cooks in this creative kitchen  churned out a confusing mess of a film, but there is a ton to chew on here and The Binge Buddies have a blast with it!


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