Tag Archives: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Episode #280 – Captain Marvel

This week on the podcast we go back in time to the 90s to talk about Captain Marvel, the MCU film that sits between Infinity War and Endgame and brings us the much-hyped character of Carol Danvers. Is it good? Yes. We explain why we think so.

NOTE: There were some issues with one of the mics, making Chewie hard to hear. Apologies in advance!

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Continue reading Episode #280 – Captain Marvel

Bryan’s MCU Review



I love comic book movies.

I love them all, bad, good, and all the ones in between.  But, no matter how much I love them, I’m totally willing to criticize the hell out of them.  In my opinion, the best superhero film of all time is hands down, Superman 1978. Even with that ridiculous ending.  Every movie from there on out is just chasing their coattails. One franchise out there has been doing a pretty damn good job chasing.  Not all have been fantastic, none have been terrible, and I can proudly say I’ve seen, own, each and every one of them. I’m of course talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Like many of the boys and girls out there, I’m super excited for the upcoming Infinity Wars, and watched all the movies, all over again, to prepare.  As I watched, I found I enjoyed some more than I remembered, some less, and one that I was convinced was a great film but realized I was wrong. So here we go!  My review of each and every MCU movie released so far!

A warning before I dive in, for those of you who don’t listen to our show, I’m way more of a DC guy than Marvel.  If my opinions seem way off base and piss you off, just remember, I’m a crazy person who enjoys all the DC movies.  Though I really do love these movies and I’m excited for Infinity Wars this weekend.

Continue reading Bryan’s MCU Review

ATH ORIGINS Ep #89 – Captain America: The Winter Soldier

And so we come to the end of our ORIGINS month, this time highlighting the introduction of Ryan James and talking about Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Join us as we lament the fate of Bucky Barnes and realize that the spy thriller genre suits Cap’n well. It’s a great look back at a fun episode and an equally fun movie. You won’t want to miss this one.




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