Tag Archives: ATH Network

Fork the Forking Forkers: A Good Place Podcast Ch. 7 & 8

Join Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombiedog Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” Dykes, Joel “Abraham Lincoln” Dewitte, and Ryan “Marie Curie” Lootens and they dive into the next forked up episodes of The Good Place!


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Fork the Forking Forkers: A Good Place Podcast Ch. 5 & 6

Welcome to another exciting edition of Fork the Forking Forkers. Bryan Dressel, Joel “Isaac Newton” DeWitte, and Ryan “Albert Einstein” Lootens tackle episodes 5 & 6 of the Good Place.


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Fork the Forking Forkers: A Good Place Podcast Ch. 3 & 4

Bryan Dressel, Joel “Jesus Christ” Dewitt and Ryan “MLK Jr” Lootens dive into the next two chapters of The Good Place.  The mysteries continue, the laughs continue, come get forking weird with the binge buddies on this show!


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Fork the Forking Forkers: A Good Place Podcast Ch. 1 & 2

What’s up Mother Forkers? It’s time for a new Binge Buddies series. This week sees Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Leonardo Davinci” Dkyes, Joel “Nikola Telsa” DeWitte, and Ryan “Galilelo” Lutens talking about The Good Place. Specifically, the first two hilarious episodes. Let’s forking go!


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Automatic Pig: Robocop Ranking

We here at Binge Buddies love our rankings as much as you do!  Even when a franchise has a few more low moments than you would prefer, the high moments are still something worth celebrating!  A little bit from every film gets mentioned here as we try to be as fair as possible!  Be sure to tune in next week when we start our new show Fork the Forking Forkers!  (The Good Place)


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Automatic Pig: Robocop Remake

Your hosts Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Frank Serpicao” Dykes, Joel “Robert Warren” Dewitte, and Ryan “Jim Rockford” Lootens dive into one of the all time worst remakes.  Robocop is a rough watch, but it was an absolute blast to chat about!  Automatic Pig is coming to an end folks!


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Automatic Pig: Robocop 3

Your hosts Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Nichola Angel” Dykes, Joel “Sommerset” Dewitte, and Ryan “Jake Peralta” Lootens take a deep dive into the 3rd film in the Robocop franchise.  This might be one of the worst films we’ve covered here at Binge Buddies, only next week’s remake could take a swing for the top spot.  But as is usually the case, a terrible movie makes  for a fantastic conversation!


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Automatic Pig: Robocop 2

Hosts Bryan Dressel, Matt “Zombie Dog Elliot Ness RoboCop” Dykes, Ryan “Ed Tom Bell” Lootens dive into the only good Robocop sequel.  This movie is a step down from the original but not a huge one.  The Binge Buddies have a blast digging into all the craziness that this movie has to offer!


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Automatic Pig: Robocop

Bryan, Zombie Dog, Joel, and Ryan start a new season of Binge Buddies with Automatic Pig!  Over the next 5 weeks we will be discussing each of the films and then finish it up with a ranking episode!  We are so excited to dive into these crazy films and can’t wait for you to hear it!


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Homicides Hooters and Hockey Masks: Wrap Up

Your hosts Bryan, Matt, Joel and Ryan have a lot of work to do this week!  They have to wrap up and rank everything about the Friday the 13th franchise!  They rank the movies, the Jasons, the kills and so much more!  This whole series has been so much fun and the wrap-up is a very fond farewell to the franchise.  Be sure to tune in next week when we start talking Robocop in Automatic Pig!


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