You’d think that a movie about a filmmaker at war with himself that took ten years to make would be more interesting, but here we are. We’re discussing Terry Gilliam’s The Man Who Killed Don Quixote and let’s just say that we had a lot of issues with it. Are we talking about an unwatchable dumpster fire of epic proportions? No. Not even close. It’s just a very messy production that shows its seams at every turn and ends up being more boring than bad. If you like early Gilliam you won’t find much of him here and that’s a shame. The performances are good, but what would you expect from the likes of Jonathan Pryce and Adam Driver? We talk about all that and more in this week’s episode.
Tag Archives: Jonathan Pryce
Eve Stewart: De-Lovely (2004)
Thank you for your patience! This week we’re back to talk about De-Lovely, the next film in our Eve Stewart retrospective. It’s about the musical icon Cole Porter, played with zest by Kevin Kline, as he re-lives the best and worst of his life at the behest of the angel Gabriel (Jonathan Pryce). The film features songs written by Cole Porter, all sung by popular modern musicians. But the question remains: is the film any good?
It’s…charming, but never quite reaches “great.” The real MVP of the film is Eve Stewart and her production design. It’s breathtaking, and quickly overshadows everything else in the film. Join us, won’t you?
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Sam’s first dive into fandom!
The end of summer always brings with it a sense of nostalgia. Even though I am not longer concerned with back to school or even the changing weather, the end of easy summer traffic and dearth of action movies still makes me wistful. In reflecting on summer’s past, I often find my thoughts drifting back to 2003. It was the summer before I began high school. I had just discovered my beloved Lord of the Rings trilogy and with it, one of my first celebrity crushes: Orlando Bloom. Because he was such a new presence, there was only so much I could consume, but I waited with baited breath for his next lead role: that of Will Turner in Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Continue reading Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Samantha Garrison belongs to a Saint Bernard named Laddi, so her life is an endless stream of drool. She believes in Ewoks, the true saviors of the galaxy far far away, Tilda Swinton, and a world without Jurassic Park sequels.