WE DID IT! We reached our 300th episode! To celebrate this momentous occasion we decided to something completely on-the-nose and unsubtle and review Zack Snyder’s 300…which is also on-the-nose and unsubtle! And fun was had by all. Oh, and also Happy Thanksgiving!
Tag Archives: thanksgiving
Continue reading Episode #300 – 300 Episode #212 – Happy Thanksgiving!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, unless you’re not listening to this on Thanksgiving, in which case HAPPY DAY OF LISTENING! We’re not talking about one specific movie this week, instead opting to talk about some movies and shows that interest us.
We’ve got some recommendations as well as blindspots and hopefuls for the rest of the year. It’s a super-chill episode that you can listen to on your holiday travels. Special thanks to you, our listeners, for making this show so much fun to do!