Tag Archives: Norman Reedus

Boondock Saints


Twenty years ago a little movie from reportedly douche bag director, Troy Duffy, hit the scene.  For years to come shitty posters have lined the walls of undergrad male’s dormitories, while they all scream about how great this movie was, and how you should see it, because only they have seen it, and they want to introduce you to its amazingness… If you listen to them, and sit down with a brew to watch the movie, you’ll be entertained, sure, but that’s about it.  I still don’t get what was so damned special about this movie, and I was TOTALLY caught in the storm of it. 


For my research, I’ll look the trailer.  Like the majority of you, I only ever saw the trailer on the DVD copy my mom bought me.  At the time, I thought it was awful.  It shows the whole movie!  It shows the best scenes!  It gives nearly everything away!  And to the 16 – 25 year old crowd this movie is singularly targeted for, this is horrible.  To everyone else, thank god the trailer shows as much as it does, or no one would ever watch it.  The movie is a hard sell to the most receptive crowd, so in my opinion, the trailer does its job.  This isn’t some religious propaganda movie, nor is it insulting religion, we get that.  This movie will have fun violence that is shot differently, we get that too.  The movie has a pretty good sense of humor, we kinda sorta get that.  All in all if this was a movie coming out today, and I saw this trailer I’d see it.  I’d wait for video, but I’d see it.

I realize I came across really negative on the movie… uh… I regret nothing. 

Also I still own the DVD.

That my mom bought for my birthday…