A creature feature with human-sized bugs eating people in subways seems like it was tailor-made for the talents of Guillermo Del Toro, but alas, that is not what we got. Mimic should have been so much better than it was, but its parts did not work together to create a cohesive whole. We break down all the things that didn’t work, and point out some of the Del Toro staples that could have been so much more if…well…there had been so much more.
Tag Archives: Guillermo Del Toro
Episode #232 – The Shape of Water
This week we’re talking about the latest movie by Guillermo Del Toro – The Shape of Water. Special thanks to friends of the show Danielle and and Graham Mason for joining us.
A Hype To Remember: Hellboy (2004)
There are all manner of things that go bump in the night. This trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s HELLBOY (2004) bumps back.
Hellboy was my first introduction to Guillermo del Toro as a filmmaker, and what an introduction it was! This trailer is pretty tame by today’s standards, but it also doesn’t spoil any of the best moments from the film. I can count a few iconic moments that would have easily made their way to a trailer today. Now to dig out my copy of this movie and revisit this fun flick!
HELLBOY (2004)
Continue reading A Hype To Remember: Hellboy (2004)
Writer/Creator/Web Guy for After the Hype. Created an animated fantasy webseries called Flagon. GM for Demon Dayz: An Actual Play Podcast, which you can conveniently find here on athpod.com