It is a time of great rejoicing as we’ve made it to the last and best episode of the prequel trilogy, and as such have ended our journey through all the Star Wars films. How does this one hold up compared to the others? Well, it looks great, and has one of the best lightsaber fights of the saga. Does it break our heart in other areas? Absolutely.
It’s a very confusing time for Padme, coming into her own and embracing the Autassassinophiliac within her. And Anakin is dealing with…stuff. But hey, Kamino is pretty cool, and that third act is quite riveting, and we get to see Yoda do lightsaber fighting. I mean, at the end of the day it’s not a TOTAL loss, right? Right?
In honor of Star Wars Day (May 4th) we will be releasing one “Hype to Remember” a day to cover all 8 of the released Star Wars films! It’s your boy Ryan and we’re going to talk about clones.
I’m here to give Bryan a writing break by talking about a new hope…A new hope that the Star Wars prequels could be good!
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
By the time we saw the trailer for Episode II: Attack of the Clones, the truth about The Phantom Menace had sunk in. It wasn’t good. It was flashy without any of the heart that made the first three films special.
But wait!
The music from my favorite scene in Return of the Jedi! Obi-Wan with a beard already? Anakin with a lightsaber! Stormtroopers? No Jar Jar! Another Boba Fett, except this one is named Jango? More lightsabers!
Ok, I don’t want to get fooled again but this one looks way better than Phantom Menace, I can’t wait…
Ryan is a sound engineer in Los Angeles, focusing on Production Sound for Film and TV. He’s an avid video game player, comic book reader, and all-around collector of nerd culture.