Tag Archives: V

WTYAD Presents: V The Original Miniseries

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Welcome To You Are Doom to discuss V The original Miniseries. If you haven’t heard about the show or have been meaning to check it out, now is the time. We’ve even got an article from Matt up on our site about the show. Enjoy as we wait for our esteemed Graham to return. Here’s the article in question.


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

V: The Mini Series 35 Years Later


Fifty alien spaceships descended over major cities all over the world and announced that they came in peace and needed humanity’s help. These friendly alien Visitors looked just like us and offered us the fruits of their knowledge in exchange for our assistance in fabricating various chemicals required to save their planet. Or so they said.

V, the mini series, turned 35 years old this year, and it seems like it is more relevant today than ever. People often mistake V as an alien invasion story; but the aliens didn’t invade — they occupied. Great science fiction is stories that allow us to look at ourselves and remind us of how we need to be better. V told us the dangers of fascism. An allegory for the Nazi uprising and their subsequent occupation of Europe, V was a story about everyday people rising up against tyranny.

Continue reading V: The Mini Series 35 Years Later