Tag Archives: Penultimate Fighting

S1 E11-12: “Grate Escape” & “Penultimate Fighting”

Welcome to an exciting and thrilling new episode of Welcome to You Are Doom: A Frisky Dingo Podcast, with your hosts Bryan Dressel, Graham “Baby Lamont” Mason, and Matt “Cody” Dykes. Together, the three shall break down the plots of the episodes “Great Escape” and “Penultimate Fighting.” Kind of hard to believe that the season is almost over. Feels like this all started just a week or two ago. Anyway, strap yourselves into your listening device of choice and let’s get started with this week’s show.


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more