Welcome to our new podcast called “Welcome to You Are DOOM: A Frisky Dingo Podcast Brought To You by Venture Bros: A Venture Brothers Podcast.” It’s been a long time in the works and now it’s finally here. Funny how that happens. Anyway, Bryan leads the charge and is joined by Graham “Brent” Mason and Matt “Trent” Dykes. Together they discuss the first two episodes of season one: “Meet Killface” and “Meet Awesome-X.”
Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts.
Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.
Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes
Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty
Notes and research by
Jim Funicille
Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson
Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more