Want to play a game? We here at After The Hype want you to guess the movie based on the still we picked.
We like movie games over here at ATH HQ, and want to play one with you. We’ve got a variety of movie stills that we’ve acquired over the years and we want you to guess which movie they’re from. We’ll start them out pretty easy, but then ramp up the difficulty throughout the week. Think of it like the crosswords in your local paper.
On this fine Wednesday, May 31st, we’ve brought you a new still that we think will give you a little bit of a challenge. Don’t believe us? Then let’s get right to it!
Without any further delay, let’s play!
[…] 5/29/17 SOLUTION: Forrest Gump! | See the solution for 5/31/17! […]
The Revenant
I posted it, I can’t cheat.
I saw the filename behind the scenes so I could guess, but that wouldn’t be fair. 😉
Iron Will
The Revenant
If I weren’t behind the scenes I’d probably not guess this one, same with the previous days. I’m bad at this.
Oops. This is Jonathan, just not logged in. Go team internet!
[…] 5/31/17 SOLUTION: THE REVENANT! | Tomorrow’s Image! […]