Tag Archives: Featured

Movies That Define Me: Scott Pilgrim

I’ve never been able to lock down a favorite film, but there are films out there that get close. They define me through moments, themes, characters, or story, and I think that’s worth exploring. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is one such film.


“What’s your favorite movie?” It’s a question that people ask primarily to initiate small talk. For me, it’s a chance to project who I am out to the world. It’s a question I take very seriously, and unfortunately it’s a question I can’t seem to answer. The reason for this is because “favorite film” as a concept is weird to me. How can one film be THE ONE to rule them all? How can it be better than the thousands before and the thousands yet to come? I believe that we can find that deep, defining connection in more than just one movie, and that limiting it down to one experience doesn’t do us (or those movies) any favors. SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD is the first movie I would say defines me. Let’s unpack that.

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Episode #179 – Blockbuster Round Up

We’re doing something a little different this week and rounding up all of the recent blockbusters to grace the silver screen. We felt that enough had been said about these movies in podcast land and we didn’t want to devote an entire episode to any single one. Special Guest Alex Marshall-Brown joins us and brings her excellent gift of gab to help us deconstruct what worked, what didn’t work, and what tried REALLY hard to work but only gets the silver star. It’s a bit episode, so let’s get started!


ALEX | K.C. Undercover | TWITTER



Continue reading Episode #179 – Blockbuster Round Up



Our co-host Jonathan Hardesty attempts to break down the plot to the much maligned Oscar-winner SUICIDE SQUAD. See how he fares against the forces of evil, or whatever!


Check it out and listen to our latest episode on Thursday.


Continue reading SUICIDE SQUAD IN 30 SECONDS

Episode #178 – Lost Highway

We travel back in time…no…we transform into…no…wait. Hrm. Well, we definitely go to a space and exist there, and we talk about David Lynch’s LOST HIGHWAY. David Lynch joins us, except he is actually Christopher Ortiz – our special guest. Is that Rammstein playing in the background? Anyway, you’ll want to listen in as we try to make sense of what’s going on!



Continue reading Episode #178 – Lost Highway


In true AFTER THE HYPE fashion, we sit down and play Watch Dogs 2, but not in the way you might think.

Instead of playing straight through Watch Dogs like all those other streamers, we decided to sit down and do the San Francisco Marathon in the video game version of San Francisco presented by Watch Dogs 2. Turns out, it’s pretty easy, and doesn’t take nearly as long as the real deal. Check it out.



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The Men In Black Sequel We Never Got (And Still Need)

Men in Black is one of the best Hollywood blockbusters ever made. Director Barry Sonnenfeld and writer Ed Solomon spun an obscure comic book into a ridiculously fun piece of popcorn entertainment bursting with imagination and humor. Stars Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith gave new life to the tired tropes of a mentor who’s seen it all before and a cocky rookie eager to prove himself. The film ends with Jones relaxing in semi-permanent retirement while Smith continues forward with experience to back up his swagger.


Audiences were primed for more adventures.

Continue reading The Men In Black Sequel We Never Got (And Still Need)