Tag Archives: Adam Reed

S1 E11-12: “Grate Escape” & “Penultimate Fighting”

Welcome to an exciting and thrilling new episode of Welcome to You Are Doom: A Frisky Dingo Podcast, with your hosts Bryan Dressel, Graham “Baby Lamont” Mason, and Matt “Cody” Dykes. Together, the three shall break down the plots of the episodes “Great Escape” and “Penultimate Fighting.” Kind of hard to believe that the season is almost over. Feels like this all started just a week or two ago. Anyway, strap yourselves into your listening device of choice and let’s get started with this week’s show.


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

S1 E9-10: “The Odd Couple” & “Flowers for Nearl”

Welcome to another exciting edition of Welcome To You Are Doom: A Frisky Dingo Podcast. Bryan Dressel, Graham “Dotty Bunch” Mason, and Matt “Torpedo Vegas” Dykes come together via the internets to bring you hearty discussion of the episodes “The Odd Couple” and “Flowers for Nearl.” If ever there was a time to start listening it’s now. Spoiler alert: one of these episodes might be Bryan’s favorite of the series.


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

S1 E7-8: “Meet Antagone” & “Blind Faith”

Welcome to another week of “Welcome to You Are Doom: A Frisky Dingo Podcast,” with your hosts Bryan Dressel, Graham “Darcel Jones” Mason, and Matt “Carter Hawkins” Dykes. This time around the gang discusses Ep 7 “Meet Antagone” and Ep. 8 “Blind Faith.” Instead of breakdowns they go through the episodes chronologically and have a great time in the process. And really, that’s what matters the most, isn’t it?


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

S1E5-6: “News of Kidnapping” & “Emergency Room”

This week on the amazing Welcome to You Are Doom, Bryan is once again joined by Graham “Hooker” Mason, and Matt “Cody 2” Dykes to talk about the next two episodes of the show: “News of Kidnapping” and “Emergency Room.” They’re joined by special guest Noah “Negative Noah” Mucci, who may or may not have seen the show before and didn’t like it. It’s a whole thing.


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

S1E3-4: “Pimp My Revenue” & “XPO”

It’s that time again, folks. Another episode of Welcome to You Are Doom! So…welcome and get comfortable because Bryan Dressel, Graham “Sinn” Mason, and Matt “Valerie” Dykes are breaking down “Pimp My Revenue” and “XPO,” the first of which is how this amazing podcast got its name. Lost wages, amirite?


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

S1E1-2 “Meet Killface” & “Meet Awesome-X”

Welcome to our new podcast called “Welcome to You Are DOOM: A Frisky Dingo Podcast Brought To You by Venture Bros: A Venture Brothers Podcast.” It’s been a long time in the works and now it’s finally here. Funny how that happens. Anyway, Bryan leads the charge and is joined by Graham “Brent” Mason and Matt “Trent” Dykes. Together they discuss the first two episodes of season one: “Meet Killface” and “Meet Awesome-X.”


Welcome to You Are Doom is part of the ATH Network of podcasts. 

Produced by
Bryan Dressel and Jonathan Hardesty.

Hosted by
Bryan Dressel with co-hosts Graham Mason and Matt Dykes

Artwork by
Jonathan Hardesty

Notes and research by
Jim Funicille

Edited By
Bryan Dressel, Ryan James, and Trey Johnson

Original music by
Evan Michael Brown visit www.evbro.com for more

Frisky Dingo: The Best Show You Never Watched

If I were to say to you, “People let me tell you about my new best friend, BARNABY JONES!” How would you reply?


Most of you would look at me oddly and move on with your lives.  A very small number of people would scream NAP at me.  These people are my people.  They get me.  These are people who have spent the 4 hours experiencing one of my all time favorite shows of all time Frisky Dingo.  Frisky Dingo is a show from 2006 that was canceled after it’s second season, and really no one cared.  I was right there the whole time, loving every second of it, and was truly heart broken when it went away.  I’m going to explain why you should start up your Hulu account right now and dive into the this wonderful show as soon as humanly possible, and take a few guesses at why it went the way of Ronnie under a huge pair of pants.


bye Ronnie…



Continue reading Frisky Dingo: The Best Show You Never Watched