If I were to say to you, “People let me tell you about my new best friend, BARNABY JONES!” How would you reply?
Most of you would look at me oddly and move on with your lives. A very small number of people would scream NAP at me. These people are my people. They get me. These are people who have spent the 4 hours experiencing one of my all time favorite shows of all time Frisky Dingo. Frisky Dingo is a show from 2006 that was canceled after it’s second season, and really no one cared. I was right there the whole time, loving every second of it, and was truly heart broken when it went away. I’m going to explain why you should start up your Hulu account right now and dive into the this wonderful show as soon as humanly possible, and take a few guesses at why it went the way of Ronnie under a huge pair of pants.

Continue reading Frisky Dingo: The Best Show You Never Watched
Bryan is the Host and Producer of After the Hype. He loves talking. About everything. But mostly Batman, Star Wars and Green Lantern.
He also lives in Los Angeles and works in TV Post Production