Yesterday was an interesting day for entertainment news, as you’ll see below. We’ve got all kinds of stuff like game announcements for games DEFINITELY COMING OUT THIS YEAR, and a possible sequel from Sam Raimi. Oh yeah, Phantasm is also coming out on UHD. I feel like I’ve heard people talking about that franchise before.
Starfield: Official Launch Date Announcement
Starfield will release September 6th 2023 and definitely won’t get delayed again… -Brok
Drag Me to Hell 2? Producers ‘Trying to Come Up With a Story’ for Sequel

Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King Returns To Theaters For 20th Anniversary

The Peter Jackson Directed and 11 time academy award winning final entry in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series will show again in Regal Cinemas and Cinemark theaters on April 13th, this time as the 4 hour & 11 minute extended edition. Better hope they have an intermission! -Joel
PS5 Discord Voice Support is here!

Great news! Sony is giving the PS5 the ability to use voice chat on Discord, so you can talk to all your loser friends who still don’t have PS5s! -Bryan
Outer Worlds New Edition’s Problems Are Out of this World!

Extra Extra, the best space RPG currently on next gen sucks! -Bryan
Phantasm gets UHD release in Germany!!!

Could a US/UK UHD of the horror classic be on the horizon too??? -Matt
Well, there you have it – a bite-sized look at the news from yesterday that we here at After the Hype found important. I don’t suppose you have thoughts on any of these stories, do you? Because if you did I would like to recommend you let us know over at our discord. Similarly, if you’ve found some interesting news in the wild that you would like us to share tomorrow, let us know sooner rather than later. This isn’t “Today’s News.” Sheesh.