Name That Movie For 11/06/17

Test your movie knowledge and win!

Special shoutout to Jeremy Goeckner for winning our game for October! Head over to our leaderboards and check out the fancy achievement banner created in his honor. Once you’ve done that, come on back and test your movie knowledge and earn those sweet sweet points for November!

Here are the rules!

1. First person to guess the correct movie gets 5 points, the second person to guess correctly gets 4 points, and everyone after gets 3 points. There’s no penalty for wrong guesses.


2. Submit answers by messaging our Facebook Page or by emailing us at You can answer in the comments below, but it’s visible for all to see and you might give away the answers!


3. Points will be tallied on the leaderboard at the end of the week and can be found HERE!


4. The rules will be revised and perfected over time, and we will honor the player should any dispute arise.

Let’s do this!

Continue reading Name That Movie For 11/06/17

A Synth Pop Musicapalooza!

A Spotify Playlist to get your synth on!

THOR: RAGNAROK comes out this weekend and we thought it would be super rad to create a Spotify playlist of Synth Pop tunes to take you all the way back to that ancient time known as “the 80s.” We’ve got quite the mix here, with a bunch of classics as well as the music they inspired. Take a ride with us down memory lane!

Continue reading A Synth Pop Musicapalooza!

Episode #209 – Baby Driver

This week it’s just the four of us talking about Edgar Wright’s latest film BABY DRIVER. We go through it all, praising what worked and discussing the parts that had us less than enthused. It’s quite the fun ride so steal yourself for the next hour and join us on a criminally fun look at the film that’s been kicking around Wright’s noggin for quite some time!



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Continue reading Episode #209 – Baby Driver